August 4, 2020

For years I have intended to start a blog on my website, but each winter writing season has gone by and I still haven’t done it. This, however, seems like an especially good time to start. COVID-19 has cancelled so many commitments that winter writing season has extended into summer, I am launching a new website and important shifts are happening in the world. In particular, the COVID virus has made a big crack in “normal.” Like HIV/AIDS in the 1980s, it is running through our economic/political/cultural structures like injected dye, making class, race and gender injustice too visible to ignore. It is an angry, painful time, but also a huge opportunity for at least new conversations, perhaps— dare we hope?— change. I have spent more than thirty years thinking, talking, experimenting, writing and teaching about the process of becoming an ally, something that is appearing in public discussion more now than it has for a long time, maybe ever. It seems like a good time to join the conversation. So–take a deep breath …